Dr. Alexander Wyatt, Associate Professor in Urologic Sciences at the University of British Columbia
"Clinical Cancer Genomics Strategic Plan"
Learning Objectives
1. Understand our vision for a centralized clinical genomics platform that supports equitable access to precision oncology as a standard of care while fostering advancements in research. 2. Be informed about our progress of developing the 5-year strategic plan for clinical cancer genomics 3. Engage in discussions on the utilization of precision oncology genomic tests, and strategies on translating research and innovation into clinical practice to guide treatment planning
Information Security Team within the Office of the Deputy CIO Medicine
"Cybersecurity Awareness"
Learning Objectives
• Understand Current Cybersecurity Scams: Learn about the latest scams and how to identify them • Strengthen Your Defenses: Discover tips and best practices to secure your accounts and keep your devices safe • Test Your Knowledge: Put what you learned to the test by participating in a live Kahoot! quiz. The winner will receive a $25 gift card.
Dr. Jay Kizhakkedathu
"New Approaches Towards Anti-Clotting Therapeutics, Surfaces and Anticoagulant Neutralizing Agents"
Learning Objectives
• Understanding on the influence of biological polyanions such as polyphosphate, extracellular nucleic acids in thrombosis and inflammation • Novel strategies in the design of antithrombotic therapeutics and antithrombotic surfaces without bleeding challenges • Development of a universal heparin reversal agent utilizing charge switching polycation design
Dawn McArthur, PhD - Director, Research and Technology Development BC Children's Hospital Research Institute PHSA and UBC
"Competitive Research Funding Proposals, from Start to Finish"
Learning Objectives
1. Thinking about and planning your research, and 2. Converting your ideas to an easily-reviewed proposal.
This session is available upon request. Please contact us if you wish to access the content.
Dr. Gang Wang
"Recent Updates and Most Encountered Questions in Uropathology"
Learning Objectives
• Highlight key updates in classification, diagnostic approaches, grading systems, and molecular testing relevant to uropathology. • Explore common diagnostic dilemmas and how to approach them effectively. • Provide insights into distinguishing challenging histologic features in uropathology cases.
Dr. Sabrina Leslie, Associate Professor, Michael Smith Laboratories
"Single-molecule Insights for Therapeutic Discovery, Development and Diagnostics: The Next Level of Resolution"
Learning Objectives
New tether-free CLiC imaging technology allows DNA, RNA, protein molecules to be imaged one at a time • The interactions and dynamics of these molecules can be visualized and quantified in real time and in response to changes in environment, allowing new insights to be obtained into mechanisms of action • Direct characterization of the size and mRNA payloads of lipid nanoparticle delivery vehicles can also be achieved • Perturbing the solution environment, such as pH, and observing the dynamics of the nanoparticles, such as fusion or release, allows mechanisms of delivery to be investigated • Furthermore visualizing single molecules inside living cells, using the same CLiC platform, allows for new insights to be obtained "from the single cell level and down", thus marrying experiments with "biological complexity" (single cells and up) with biophysical rigour (single molecules)
Dr. Zu-hua Gao & Dr. Hélène Côté
"Creating an Accountable Organization: UBC Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Strategic Plan Implementation 2023 - 2024"
Learning Objectives
What did we set out to do? What have we accomplished? What haven’t we accomplished? What are the lessons we’ve learned? What do we plan to do next year?
PALS presentation: Dr. Rose Hatala, MD, MSc, FRCPC
"Coaching and Feedback in the Era of Competence-by-Design"
Learning Objectives
1. Understand coaching in clinical education and graduate supervision; 2. Reflect on conditions to promote meaningful feedback conversations with learners
This session is available upon request. Please contact us if you wish to access the content.
Learning Objectives (…)
Dr. Andrew Churg
"New Developments in Mesothelial Pathology"
Learning Objectives
Andrew Churg received his MD and PhD from the University of Chicago. He has been at the University of British Columbia, where he is now Professor of Pathology, since 1980. He is also a pathologist at Vancouver General Hospital. His areas of interest are lung and pleural pathology. He has published more than 400 journal articles, 75 book chapters, and 9 books in this area, including the 4th Series Fascicle: Tumors of the Serosal Membranes, and Atlas of Interstitial Lung Disease Pathology, now in its second edition. He serves as Chairman of the US-Canadian Mesothelioma Reference Panel. He is an editorial board member on 13 journals in the fields of clinical and experimental respiratory medicine, pathology, and particle toxicology.
Dr. Inna Sekirov & Dr. Agatha Jassem, BCCDC
"Serosurveillance: A Vital Part of a Public Health Lab Toolkit"
Learning Objectives
1. Describe serosurveillance techniques; 2. Define the benefits and limitations of serosurveillance and how it is complementary to other surveillance tools; 3. Provide examples of serosurveys, including for respiratory viruses and emerging pathogens
Dr. Peter Boor, MD, PhD, Professor and Chair of Translational Nephropathology at RWTH Aachen University, Germany
"Deep Learning 4 (Nephro)Pathology… the future begins now"
Learning Objectives
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning (DL) hold great promise to transform pathology practice. Currently, the majority of commercially available products and AI research focuses on end-to-end AI, i.e., an approach in which the model learns all the steps between the initial input and the final output, providing qualitative or semiquantitative (class) data. An alternative approach to analyze histomorphology is using DL-based segmentation of relevant histological compartments and cells, followed by extraction of relevant quantitative data (features). If done on a large scale, it is termed pathomics, representing a novel -omics approach for morphology at the microscopical level. Pathomics complements molecular omics, like genomics or transcriptomics, but radiomics, which aims at quantifying radiology images, i.e., at the macroscopic level. This lecture will provide comparisons between end-to-end models and pathomics, examples of pathomics in research, and examples of challenges in bringing DL into clinical practice.
Not available online
Dr. Cheryl Wellington, Vice Chair of Research, and Dr. Mike Nimmo, Vice Chair of Clinical Education
"Update on the Department’s research and clinical education"
Learning Objectives (…)
Not available online
Dr. Andrew Minchinton, Associate Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UBC, Distinguished Scientist, at BC Cancer Agency
"A rollercoaster ride with hypoxia through oxygen mimetics to DNA repair inhibitors and visiting extravascular drug distribution on the journey"
Learning Objectives
Hypoxia was identified as a modulator of radiosensitivity over 100 years ago, and more recently, the presence of hypoxic cells in many cancers and its role in outcomes following radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and even surgery has been widely recognized. In this talk, Dr. Minchinton will describe evidence linking hypoxia to treatment resistance and highlight potential therapeutic strategies, including oxygen mimetics, bioreductive cytotoxins, and DNA repair inhibitors. Hypoxia represents a clinically validated target with significant potential, but one that remains underutilized in treatment.
Not available online
CANCELED PALS: Province-wide Pathology Rounds (…)
Dr. Tyler Smith, Clinical Assistant Professor, Dept of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UBC
Hematopathologist, VGH
"Whole Blood Coagulation Testing: Does it Belong in the Hospital Lab?"
Learning Objectives
1. Explain how ROTEM and TEG assess in vitro whole blood coagulation. 2. Describe the potential clinical uses for ROTEM/TEG in patient management. 3. Articulate the logistical challenges of implementing ROTEM/TEG in the hospital laboratory.
Dr. Katey Enfield, Assistant Professor, BC Cancer Research Centre, Pathology and Lab Medicine, UBC
"B cell responses to lung cancer"
Learning Objectives
1. B cell responses in lung cancer involve tumour-specific antibodies that recognise a class of deregulated self-antigens called endogenous retroviruses and are relevant to immunotherapy response. 2. Spatial analysis of the lung tumour microenvironment complements cancer genomics and reveals multicellular communities that are correlated with features relevant to immunotherapy response, such as neoantigen burden.
Dr. Kevin L Bennewith, Distinguished Scientist, Integrative Oncology Department, BC Cancer,Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UBC
"Angiotensin receptor blockers as potential adjuvants for anti-cancer radiation therapy and immunotherapy"
Learning Objectives
1. To understand how the heterogeneous microenvironment in solid tumours can influence therapeutic outcome. 2. To discuss potential pleiotropic effects of commonly prescribed angiotensin receptor blockers. 3.To consider how angiotensin receptor blockers may be used to improve cancer therapy.
Dr. Leandro Venturutti, Assistant Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of British Columbia., Scientist, Terry Fox Laboratory, BC Cancer Research Institute., Scientist, Center for Lymphoid Cancer, BC Cancer Research Institute.
"B Cell Lymphoma Modelling: From Pathogenesis to Therapeutics"
Learning Objectives
1. Highlight current challenges in the management of B-cell lymphomas. 2. Assess strengths and limitations of classical and modern preclinical models. 3. Illustrate how GEMMs can advance our understanding of the disease and targetable biology.
Dr. Nick Myles, MD, PhD, MSc, FRCPC, DRCPSC, Providence Health, Pathology
"What is evidence-based tumor classifications? Introduction to evidence grading and mapping for pathology"
Learning Objectives
1. Reflect on what is tumor taxonomy with the focus on WHO tumour classification systems 2. Critically assess strengths and weaknesses of the current tumor taxonomy 3. Become aware of the approaches to evidence grading and mapping to inform future of tumor classifications and cytology systems
Not available
Dr. Gerald Krystal, Professor, Distinguished Scientist, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UBC
"The Role of Diet in Cancer Prevention"
Learning Objectives
1. To learn the role that sugar, easily digestible carbohydrates and insulin play in chronic inflammation and their promotion of cancer. 2.To learn the importance of resistant starch and soluble fiber in reducing chronic inflammation. 3. To learn the role of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids in chronic inflammation and cancer prevention.
Dr. Geraldine Walsh, PhD, Development Scientist, Canadian Blood Services
" "
Learning Objectives
1. Have an overview of my career path in the blood sciences field. 2. Be equipped with self-reflection aids as they navigate their career paths
Not recorded
Dr. Martial Guillaud, PhD Assistant Professor (Partner), Dept of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, UBC, Senior Scientist, Dept of Integrative Oncology, BC Cancer Research Institute, Adjunct Professor, Dpt. of Statistics, UBC and Dr. Yasir Mohamud, PhD
"Large-scale DNA Organization: an imaging biomarker of epithelial cancers aggressiveness"
Learning Objectives
Dr. Martial Guillaud Learning Objectives: 1) Understand the concept of Large-scale DNA organization in cancer cells; 2) Applications of LDO as a prognosis biomarker of oral, breast, lung, and prostate cancer
Dr. Yasir Mohamud Learning Objectives: 1) Mechanisms of viral pathogenesis: viral-mitochondria interface; 2) The Role of Mitochondria in Inflammatory Heart Disease
Dr. Gao, Zu-hua - Professor and Department Head, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine| Staff Pathologist and Program Medical Director, Provincial Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, BC Cancer
"Department Meeting"
This meeting is an opportunity for everyone to get updated on departmental matters, share insights, and contribute to our shared goals. Following the meeting, we’ll be hosting a Wine and Cheese Social at 5:00 pm. It’s a wonderful occasion to connect with colleagues and enjoy some relaxation time together.
Zaibo Li, MD, Ph.D, MBA Professor of Pathology, Endowed University Pathology Service Professorship, Director of Cytopathology and Cytopathology Fellowship Program, Associate Director of Digital and Computational Pathology, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
"Implementation of digital pathology and AI platforms for pathology practice: gearing up for a digital workflow"
Learning Objectives
1. To gain knowledge of implementing digital pathology for primary diagnosis and other tasks; 2. To learn how to incorporate AI platforms for routine pathology practice in a digital workflow; 3. To gain knowledge of digital pathology in the field of education and research
Dr. Steven Loken - He is a practicing anatomical pathologist working at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital (Island Health). In addition, he is the Chief Medical Laboratory Officer for Provincial Laboratory Medicine Services (PLMS). He has previously held roles of Medical Director, Department Head, and Executive Medical Director within Island Health
"PLMS, Partnerships, and Value in Lab Medicine: the Challenges and Opportunities in Advancing Service Coordination in BC’s Lab Environment"
Learning Objectives
1) Understand the governance structure, partnerships, and select projects of PLMS; 2) Learn the key areas of pressure facing lab systems in BC today; 3) Identify opportunities to assess value of laboratory medicine
This session is available upon request. Please contact us if you wish to access the content.
Dr. Anita Palepu, Professor and Eric W. Hamber Chair and Head of the Department of Medicine at the University of British Columbia
"My Journey to Leadership in Medicine"
Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives: 1. My road to leadership in medicine; 2. Reflections and challenges; 3. Answer questions and foster discussion
Dr. Eric McGinnis, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UBC | Hematopathologist, VGH
"Next-generation cytogenetics: Optical genome mapping in hematologic malignancies"
Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives: 1. Discuss the basic principles of optical genome mapping as a diagnostic genomic assay 2. Describe main advantages of optical genome mapping relative to conventional cytogenetic testing 3. Explain potential clinical and research benefits of optical genome mapping.
Dr. Mary Kinloch, Associate Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Saskatchewan
"Clinical Implementation of Homologous Recombination (HR) Testing and Morphologic Correlations for HR-deficiency in High-Grade Serous Carcinoma"
Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives: 1. Define homologous recombination repair (HRR) in ovarian cancer; 2. Appraise Illumina and ThermoFisher platforms for HRR testing; 3. Evaluate morphologic characteristics of HR-Deficient high-grade serous carcinoma.
Dr. Mehwish Anwer, Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Dr. Wellington Lab, UBC
"Leveraging 3D imaging and analysis tools to understand diffuse brain injury in rodents"
Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives: 1. Challenges in Traumatic Brain Injury research; 2. Introduction to 3D labelling and imaging for TBI research; 3. Spatial transcriptomics as a novel tool for mechanistic insights.
Dr. Wes Schreiber, Professor Emeritus, UBC
"Keeping track of your teaching activities – and why it matters"
Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives: 1. Review the metrics related to teaching and support of educational activities; 2. Discuss how the educational activities of department members are recognized (eg, promotion); 3. Test drive a simplified form to record your teaching activities and accomplishments.
Dr. Lauren Forgrave, PhD, DeMarco Lab
"Towards pathology-specific biomarkers of frontotemporal dementia with TDP-43 pathology"
Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives: 1. Compare and contrast the phases of biomarker discovery and verification; 2. Describe methods used to enrich for disease-specific TDP-43 proteoforms from human brain tissue; 3. List TDP-43 proteoforms that are associated with frontotemporal dementia with TDP-43 pathology
This session is available upon request. Please contact us if you wish to access the content.
Dr. Thara Vayali, B.Sc., M.A., ND
"Gut Health: Navigating the Inner Seas"
Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives: 1. Review the digestive system and processes; 2. Learn which foods help the gut microbiome; 3. Dive into the food + mood connection
Not available
Dr. Nika Shakiba, Assistant Professor in the School of Biomedical Engineering (SBME) at UBC
"The Social rules that govern cells in embryonic society"
Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives: 1. The mammalian embryo is shaped by competitive interactions between cells, which drives the elimination of cells early in development; 2. Cell competition is also seen in pluripotent stem cells, in vitro equivalents of early embryonic cells that can be used to derive all the cell types of the body for cell therapies; 3. In vitro and in silico models can be leveraged to understand how and why competition shapes the embryo’s fate, as well as how this impacts stem cell-derived cell therapy manufacturing
This session is available upon request. Please contact us if you wish to access the content.
Dr. Corree Laule, Associate Professor, Dept of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, UBC, Vice Chair, Research in Radiology and also Associate Director, Education for ICORD and Cheryl Niamath, Communications and Administrative Manager ICORD
"seed2STEM: Summer research program for Indigenous youth"
Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives: 1. To become familiar with the under-representation of Indigenous peoples in STEM fields; 2. To review the history of the seed2STEM program 3. To understand how to create appropriate student projects in seed2STEM
Dr. David Goldfarb, Clinical Associate Professor, UBC, Medical Microbiologist, BC Children’s Hospital
"What’s New in Number 2: Diagnostics for Diarrheal Disease"
Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives: 1) Understand the global burden of childhood enteric infections
2) Learn of new insights from enhanced diagnostic studies of diarrheal disease 3) Appreciate how diagnostics can be use to help address diarrheal disease
Dr. Yemin Wang and Dr. Ali Bashashati
Dr. Yemin Wang: "Opportunities and challenges in studying rare cancers" Dr. Ali Bashashati: "AI-Assisted Cancer Biomarker Discovery in the Digital Pathology Era"
Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives: Dr. Ali Bashashati 1. Explain the role of AI in transforming pathology 2. Describe how AI assists in prognostic and predictive assessment, including a case study in gynecological cancers 3. Future trends and possibilities in pathology AI Learning Objectives: Dr. Yemin Wang 1. Understand the approaches in studying rare
2. Understand the pathobiology of SMARCA4/2-deficient cancer 3. Understand the genetics driving cancer development and progression in DICER1 syndrome patients
Dr Cheryl Wellington, PhD. Vice-Chair of Research (DMCBH) Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, The University of British Columbia
"Join us for a special talk on Vice Chair Research, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine: First Year Review"
Learning Objectives (…)
Dr. Michael Nimmo, MD, FRCPC and Dr. Helene Cote, PhD
"Join us for a special talk on the Clinical/Scientific Education aspect of our Department Strategic Plan"
Learning Objectives (…)
Dr. Ly Vu, PhD. Assistant Professor at Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at University of British Columbia (UBC) and a Scientist at the Terry Fox Laboratory, BC Cancer
"Targeting RNA modifications in Myeloid Leukemia"
Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives:1. Understand the complexity of post-transcriptional gene expression regulation 2. Understand how RNA modifications controls gene expression 3. Understand therapeutic approaches to target the RNA methylation in myeloid leukemia (…)
Dr. Muhammad Mamdani, PharmD. Vice President, Data Science and Advanced Analytics, Unity Health Toronto; Director, Temerty Faculty of Medicine Centre for Artificial Intelligence Education and Research in Medicine, University of Toronto Dr. Amol Verma, MD. Assistant Professor in General Internal Medicine, St. Michael’s Hospital; Temerty Professor of AI Research and Education in Medicine, University of Toronto
"Unveiling T-CAIREM: Revolutionizing AI in Medicine"
Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives:Dr. Muhammad Mamdani: 1. Provide an overview of the Temerty Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research and Education in Medicine (T-CAIREM) at the University of Toronto. 2. Highlight activities in AI in medicine in the areas of education, research, and infrastructure to support AI in medicine. 3. Outline areas for national collaboration in AI in medicine.
Learning Objectives: Dr. Amol Verma: 1. Understand a rationale for early warning systems for patient deterioration. 2. Learn and approach to identifying when ML solutions can be helpful for clinical issues. 3. Appreciate how a structured approach to implementation improves the integration of ML solutions in clinical workflow. (…)
Dr. Lucy Perrone, MSPH, PhD - Donald B. Rix Professor of Laboratory Quality, Chair, Canadian Microbiology Proficiency Testing Program (CMPT) Director, Program Office for Laboratory Quality Management, Associate Professor of UBC Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
"So You Want to Run a Clinical Laboratory? Key Considerations and Opportunities for Aspiring Practitioners"
Learning Objectives
Participant will be able to:1. Identify the major requirements of laboratory quality compliance to international quality standards;
2. Relate the international quality standard for laboratory quality conformance to
Canadian laboratory practices and provincial regulation; 3. Summarize the new role of point of care testing regulation as part of the
international standard for medical laboratory quality. (…)
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Dr. Kevin Kuchinski, PhD, Genomics Specialist, Prystajecky Lab, British Columbia Centre for Disease Control
"Hunting for bird flu in the mud: genomic surveillance of avian influenza viruses using environmental specimens from wetland habitats"
Learning Objectives: Understand the importance of avian influenza surveillance and the limitations of wildlife testing
Understand the technical challenges of sequencing viral genomes in environmental specimens | Understand how genomic data from environmental specimens can be interpreted to answer practical surveillance questions
Dr. Nimmo, Michael, BA, BSc Honours, LLB, MD (UBC), LMCC, FRCPC| Clinical Professor, UBC, Program Director, UBC Residency Training Program in General Pathology, Pathologist, Vancouver General Hospital
""High” Volume Autoimmune Testing in BC –An Overview Part 2"
Learning Objectives: List methods of testing used to identify ANA, ENA, dsDNA, ANCA and APSA
List clinical indications for such testing | List locations within BC that perform such tests
Dr. Wolfgang Kern | Professor, Executive Management Internist, Hematologist and Oncologist, Head of Immunophenotyping
"From Data to Diagnosis: Machine Learning and AI enhance Hematologic Neoplasm Detection in the Pathology Lab"
Learning Objectives: Become familiar with ML and AI principles
Learn about ML and AI applications realized in a diagnostic lab | Get an idea on future application of ML and AI in diagnostics
Dr. Honglin Luo, MD, MSc
"Mastering Immune Chaos: Strategic Interventions for Viral Myocarditis via Innate Pathway Modulation"
Viral myocarditis remains the leading cause of heart failure and sudden death in children and young adults worldwide. Despite great efforts, there is currently no clinically-proven treatment available. Dr. Luo will discuss her recent studies that explore the role of innate immunity in viral myocarditis, with the goal of developing innovative treatments for this disease. (…)
Dr. Zu-hua Gao | Professor and Head, UBC Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine; Program Medical Director, Provincial Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, BC Cancer
"Strategic Plan: Transform the Future of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine"
Helene Cote, PhD, Professor and Program Director / Graduate Advisor, Graduate Studies Vice-Chair, Scientific Education,Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UBC
"PALM Graduate Program Curriculum Consultation"
The field of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine is fast evolving with the advent of new technologies, as well as emerging research and clinical tools The field of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine is fast evolving with the advent of new technologies, as well as emerging research and clinical tools. The objective of this consultation is to briefly review the courses currently offered as part of the PALM graduate curriculum, then discuss how our curriculum can best equip our graduate students for both their research projects and future career. We welcome input from current and past PALM trainees and their supervisors, Post-Doctoral Fellows, PALM Clinical faculty, residents, as well as other stakeholders. (…)
"Optimal histological assessment of tumor tissue for molecular testing and biomarker evaluation"
Understand the current landscape of biomarkers required for the evaluation of different tumors;Learn the differing tumor tissue requirements based on the type of biomarker test being performed; Discuss strategies for best use of tumor tissue to allow for simultaneous evaluation of multiple biomarkers (…)
Karsan, Aly, BA, MD (Queen's)| BC Cancer Research Centre | Professor, UBC, Distinguished Scientist
"The Role of Noncoding Genes in the Pathogenesis and Vulnerabilities of Myeloid Cancers"
Discuss how gene expression can improve risk stratification in myeloid cancers;Explain alternate mechanisms of therapy resistance in myeloid cancers; Discuss how genomics research will potentially shape the development of diagnostic and prognostic cancer assays. (…)
Audi Setiadi, PhD| Hematopathologist at BC Children's Hospital | Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia
"Capturing the Immune System: Implementation of the Flow Cytometry Panels for Immunodeficiency at BC Children's Hospital"
Describe the role of Flow Cytometry in the laboratory approach for Primary Immunodeficiency (Inborn Errors of Immunity);Discuss the role of Flow Cytometry as Confirmatory test for SCID Newborn Screening; Discuss the implementation of extended T, B and NK cell Flow Cytometry panels at BCCH and their clinical utility with real case examples. (…)
Philipp Lange, PhD| Canada Research Chair in Translational Proteogenomics of Pediatric Malignancies | Assistant Professor of Pathology at the University of British Columbia| Scientist in the Michael Cuccione Childhood Cancer Research Program at the BC Children's Hospital and the BC Cancer Research Institute
"Canada's path towards proteome guided therapies and advanced molecular pathology in precision oncology"
Understand what proteome profiling can contribute to precision oncology;Appreciate the benefit and potential feasibility of preemptive target identification; Learn how the Canadian Pediatric Cancer Consortium strives to advance pediatric cancer care and research. (…)
Dr. Qihui Jim Zhai , MD, FCAP | Director of Research | Director FISH Laboratory | Professor and Consultant Pathologist | Mayo Clinic Florida | Governor, Chair Investment Committee | Vice Chair Council on Membership and Career Developmen
"Applications of Novel Molecular Tests in Head and Neck Pathology: A Case-Based Approach"
Develop an understanding of the morphologic spectrum of salivary gland tumors and the potential diagnostic pitfalls;Learn about the latest biomarkers used in the diagnosis and therapy of salivary gland tumors; Gain an understanding of the morphologic spectrum of HPV-mediated oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma and the applications of liquid biopsy in its diagnosis and management of patients. (…)
May 12 2003
Dr. Andre Mattman, Clinical Professor, UBC , Medical Biochemist, St. Paul's Hospital, Medical Lead, Medical Biochemistry
"Practicing Pathology in a CODE RED for Humanity"
Dr. Michael Nimmo, Clinical Professor, UBC, Program Director, UBC Residency Training Program in General Pathology, Pathologist, Vancouver General Hospital
"'High' Volume Autoimmune testing in BC - An Overview Part 1"
Dr. Michelle Wong and Dr. Carolyn Shiau
"Better together: the people, programs, and services of the lab in Fraser Health"
To provide an overview of Fraser Health;To discuss initiatives within Fraser Health. (…)
Dr. Susan Porter - Dean and Vice-Provost, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies at UBC
"Changing Paradigms of Graduate Education in the 21st Century"
Appreciate the workforce, societal, and environmental issues that are influencing the approaches and values of graduate education;Reflect on the assumptions inherent to current models of research graduate education; Consider ways in which biomedical graduate education and research could help meet the evolving needs of the 21st century. (…)
Dr. Cornelia (Corree) Laule |Associate Professor in the Departments of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine and Radiology | Associate Member of Physics & Astronomy | Vice Chair of Research in Radiology and Associate Director of the ICORD
"Characterizing human brain and spinal cord microstructure with quantitative MRI and histology"
To become familiar with different quantitative MRI methods used to study brain and spinal cord;To learn about post-mortem MRI validation studies in spinal cord injury; To review in vivo myelin MRI changes in different neurological conditions. (…)
Dr. Gang Wang, MD, PhD | Consultant Pathologist, BC Cancer | Director, The David Hardwick Pathology Learning Centre | Clinical Associate Professor, UBC
"The David Hardwick Pathology Learning Centre (DHPLC): What is it, where did it come from and where is it going?"
What is the history of DHPLC?;What is DHPLC doing? What is its future perspective? (…)
Presented by: Dr. David Goldfarb, Medical Microbiologist, BC Children's Hospital, Dr. Lien Hoang, Anatomic Pathologist, Vancouver General Hospital, Dr. Veronica Hirsch-Reinshagen, Neuropathologist, Vancouver General Hospital, Dr. Shazia Masud, Medical Microbiologist, Fraser Health, Dr. Danielle Meunier, Hematopathologist, Island Health, Dr. Tyler Smith, Hematopathologist, Vancouver General Hospital (moderator)
"Panel Discussion on Career Planning and Job Applications"
Develop their own approach and plan for career development that incorporates strategies discussed in the session;Identify important considerations when applying for positions or interviewing candidates. (…)
Citlali Marquez, PhD - Research Project Leader at BCCDC
"Using the power of serological multiplex assays to track COVID-19"
Introduce MSD’s multiplex assay and its applications on serological studies during COVID-19;Describe how antenatal residual samples can be used to track SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination rates in the general population; . Describe applications of multiplex testing beyond COVID-19 (…)
Agatha Jassem, PhD, FCCM, Program Head, Virology Lab, BCCDC PHL; President, BC Association of Clinical Scientists; Graham Sinclair, PhD, FCCMG, Biochemical Geneticist, BC Newborn Screening Lab, BCCH; Tanya Nelson, PhD, FCCMG, Division Head, Genome Diagnostics, BCCH; Tracy Tucker, PhD, FCCMG Clinical Cytogenetics and Molecular Geneticists Cancer Genetics and Genomics Laboratory, BC Cancer
"Clinical Scientists in Action"
Define the role of Clinical Scientists in healthcare service delivery in BC;Describe recent testing advancements within newborn screening in BC; Describe recent advances in clinical genome diagnostics in BC and related policy development; Describe new genetic testing initiatives in cancer care in BC. (…)
Presented by: Dr. Tyler Smith, Hematopathology (Chair); Dr. David Huntsman, Molecular and Genomic Pathology; Dr. Daniel Holmes, Medical Biochemistry; Dr. Marthe Charles, Medical Microbiology; Dr. Andrew Shih, Transfusion Medicine
"Panel Discussion - Laboratory Medicine and Private Industry"
Describe ways in which relationships can be beneficial with private industry;Highlight some of the potential conflicts of interest to navigate when dealing with private industry; Formulate their own ethical approach to their private industry relationships. (…)
Dr. Veronica Hirsch-Reinshagen - Neuropathologist at ICORD and Assistant Professor, and Dr. Mike Nimmo - Clinical Professor, Vice Chair Clinical Education and Residency Program Director
"Scientific method and a book of spells: Bringing neurological and systemic autoantibody testing to BC"
Understand the basic principles of autoantibody testing methodology; Review the type and clinical relevance of neurological autoantibody testing to be implemented in BC. (…)
Dr. Ying Wang, PhD, Assistant Professor, Centre for Heart Lung Innovation
"Characterizing atherosclerosis at the molecular level to improve treatment outcome of anti-inflammatory therapies"
1. Tackle the problems seen in the CANTOS trial: using multiplex imaging to define the 'bad' cytokines in human coronary lesions. 2. Discuss who will benefit from colchicine: defining the therapeutic targets of colchicine in clinically relevant models and human coronary lesions. (…)
Dr. Lucy Perrone, Donald B. Rix Professor in Laboratory Quality at UBC
"The Canadian Microbiology Proficiency Testing Program (CMPT): A Clinical Service and External Quality Assessment Partner for Laboratories Performing Microbiology Testing"
What does CMPT do to support diagnostic testing quality including test accuracy?; How does CMPT support public and environmental health?
How does CMPT implement its programs and provide continuing education to subscribing laboratories and community-based testing sites? How is CMPT peer-directed and how you might get involved.
Dr. Ivan Chebib, Director of Immunohistochemistry Laboratory, Massachusetts General Hospital
Assistant Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School
"International System for Reporting Soft Tissue Cytopathology"
James Piret (MSL)
"Noninvasive Technology Development for Monitoring and Validating Cell Therapy Manufacturing"
Dr. Daniel Holmes, Clinical Professor, Dept of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; Division Head, Clinical Chemistry, St.Paul's Hospital
"SPH Pathology and Laboratory Medicine"
Dr. Larry Barzelai, MD, CCFP (family physician), Assistant Professor UBC, Chair of the BC Branch of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
"Climate Change is the Crucial Health Issue of Our Time"
Dr. Wan Lam, Director of the Interdisciplinary Oncology Program at BC Cancer Research and Professor at UBC
"Understanding Lung Cancer Molecular Biology in Smokers and Non-smokers"
To gain understanding on current research in lung cancer molecular biology; To gain understanding of how lung cancer in smokers and never smokers may develop through different genetic mechanisms. (…)
Jane Cooke-Lauder
"DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL: Creating our Strategic Plan"
Peter Lansdorp, Distinguished Scientist, Terry Fox Laboratory, BC Cancer; Professor, Medical Genetics, UBC
"Telomerase and Cell renewal in the context of Evolution Biology"
Learning Objectives: recognize clinical features of telomere biology disorders; appreciate telomere shortening as a powerful tumor suppressor mechanism that limits cell renewal in the hematopoietic, immune and cardiovascular system; consider a novel model to explain why females have longer telomeres and live longer than males. (…)
Dr. Michael Chen - Co-Chair, BC COVID-19 Biobank Network and Head, Medical Biochemistry, Island Health
"BC COVID-19 Biobank Network (BCCBN): Promoting Access and Enabling Research"
Learning Objectives: introduce BCCBN as a province-wide platform for biobanking; describe BCCBN developments and subsequent benefits; discuss specimen access and future directions. (…)
Craig Ivany, Chief Provincial Diagnostics Officer
"Overview of the British Columbia laboratory service delivery model"
Learning Objectives: identify and explore the nature of the laboratory service delivery sector in British Columbia; identify and explore some of the contextual tensions that lab leaders may face; implications/opportunities for the future of laboratory services in British Columbia. (…)
This video is password protected, contact Mayumi Shimada to get an access.
Drs. Agatha Jassem and Mark Hull from BCCDC
"The emergence of monkeypox in BC: clinical findings and BC testing data"
Learning Objectives: review clinical presentation of monkeypox;management options for symptomatic infection. (…)
Dr. Michael S. Kobor, Professor of Medical Genetics
"Epigenetics and the Human Life Course"
Learning Objectives: to learn about the importance and complexity of epigenetics across the human life course; to understand the various ways by which the epigenome can inform on human health and disease; to explore opportunities for collaborative research in human epigenetics and learn about the new Edwin S.H. Leong Healthy Aging Program at UBC. (…)
Dr. Suzanne Vercauteren, Head & Medical Director at BC Children’s and Women’s Hospital
"Equity, Diversity and Inclusion"
Learning Objectives: Understand what EDI is and what the benefits are of implementing EDI in the work environment Gain insight in the EDI survey results from our Department; Discuss actions the department can undertake to further EDI (…)
Dr. Kevin Ko, Oral Pathology
"Pearls and Pitfalls in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology"
Learning Objectives: discuss the importance of clinical-radiological correlation in diagnosing odontogenic and non-odontogenic jaw lesions; recognize the pitfalls in diagnosing oral mucosal lesions, with an emphasis on oral potentially malignant disorders. (…)
Anna Blakney, Assistant Professor in the Michael Smith Laboratories and School of Biomedical Engineering at UBC
"Next Generation RNA Vaccines"
Learning Objectives: current challenges in the field of RNA vaccines; advantages of self-amplifying RNA compared to messenger RNA; strategies for improving safety and efficacy of future RNA vaccines. (…)
Titus Wong, Clinical Assistant Professor, Regional Medical Director of Infection Control and Dr. Jennifer Grant, Clinical Associate Professor, Medical Microbiologist and Infectious Diseases Physician, VGH
"COVID-19: Practice update and Preparations for the Summer/Fall"
Learning Objectives: review current provincial COVID-19 epidemiology; review current provincial safety recommendations; review current provincial COVID-19 therapy recommendations;
discuss provincial preparations for the fall.
Peter Zandstra, Director and Professor, School of Biomedical Engineering, UBC
"How tissues are built"
Michelle Dittrick
"Practical tips and tricks for launching a research study"
Learning Objectives: review the challenges faced in starting a research study and alternative approaches to consider; learn practical tips to facilitate study approvals; identify local resources available to researchers. (…)
Mike Nimmo - Vice chair Education
"Education in the UBC Department of Pathology - the present state and future directions"
Learning Objectives: describe current educational areas/activities within the Department; list issues facing pathology education within the Department; describe the future directions of educational activities within the department. (…)
Naveena Singh, Clinical Professor, UBC and Anatomic Pathologist, Vancouver General Hospital
"Update on vulvar squamous cell carcinoma and its precursors"
Learning Objectives: to understand the current etiology-based classification of VSCC and its precursor lesions; to understand the importance and learn the expression patterns of p16 and p53 immunohistochemistry; to become familiar with the terminology and approach to diagnosis of HPV-independent, p53-wild type VSCC precursors. (…)
Jennifer Cooper, Graduate Student Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health
"COVID-19 and the brain: what neurological blood based biomarkers can tell us about neurological consequences of COVID-19 in critically ill patients"
Learning Objectives: gain knowledge about what neurological biomarkers can tell us about the central nervous system; understand the utility of blood based neurological biomarkers as clinical tools; examine these biomarkers in a population of critically ill patients with COVID-19. (…)
Presented with Haifeng Zhang (see video below)
Haifeng Zhang, Research Associate BC Cancer Research Centre
"Identification and targeting of a tumor cell surface protein via immunotherapy strategies"
Learning Objectives: how cancer cells evade cell death under oxidative stress; how cancer cells augment cysteine metabolism as a cytoprotection mechanism; (…)
Dr. Cheryl Wellington, Professor and Vice Chair of Research, Dept of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UBC, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health, ICORD
"Vision and initial goals"
Learning Objectives: introduce myself as Vice Chair of Research (VCR), Dept of Pathology & Lab Medicine; describe my initial vision as VCR; > outline short and medium term goals for VCR;
invite participation on the VCR committee.
Gao, Zu-hua, Professor and Department Head Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UBC
"Liver biopsy interpretation"
Learning Objectives: systematic approach to liver biopsy; interpretation based on patterns of abnormality; overview of morphological characteristics of common liver diseases. (…)
Jay Kizhakkedathu Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Scholar
"Immunomodulating cell-surface engineering towards improved transfusion and transplantation"
Learning Objectives: understand the development of blood group antigen conversion towards universal red blood cells, and their immunological compatibility; understand the development of immuno-cloaking approaches using novel immune-suppressing polymers to prevent transplant rejection. (…)
Gao, Zu-hua, Professor and Department Head Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UBC
"My First 100 Days"
Learning Objectives: identify the strength and issues of the department; summary suggestions from faculty members; iscuss plans forward. (…)